Mucoactive preparations in the treatment of cough at arvi of the lower respiratory tract in children of early age: how to make a right decision
The analysis of the world experience of using mucoactive drugs for cough of ukrainian, russian, english sources such as PubMed, Embase and Cochrane data-bases was carried out.
The article focuses on the features of the development of cough at ARVI of the lower respiratory tract in young children.
The results of experimental and clinical studies, confirming the complex nature of the action of mucoactive drugs ambroxol, carbocysteine, acetylcysteine (ACC), and revealing the mechanisms of their therapeutic efficacy at ARVI of the lower respiratory tract, are generalized.
The tactics of choosing mucoactive drugs have been substantiated, taking into account the effects of their main and accompanying actions. Practical recommendations for the use of mucoactive drugs are presented.
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