Distance form of learning medical students as a challenge of today


  • I.S. Lisetska Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine


distance learning, medical education, teacher, student, COVID-19 pandemic


A year has passed since humanity first encountered a previously unknown disease — COVID-19, which changed and made adjustments to the established mechanisms of human life. These changes also apply to the field of education, including medical education. Due to the quarantine imposed in Ukraine to prevent the spread of COVID-19, educational institutions were closed and students were transferred to distance learning. Organize quality online learning in a short period of time, charge motivation to learn and be prepared for technological problems — this is not a complete list of problems faced by teachers. However, the present can be called the era of computer science, telecommunications and global digitalization. The rapid rise of the integration of information and communication technologies, online tools in society in recent decades has become a preparation for solving problems and problems. Distance learning has advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are several organizational and methodological and organizational and technical models of distance learning. Practical classes on pediatric therapeutic dentistry are held in the format of an online conference in the Microsoft Teams program (Pre-created Classes for each subgroup and events in the program — in the calendar according to the schedule, students are invited). Microsoft Teams is a teamroom for Office 365, which is a simplified version of learning management systems, but allows the learning team to communicate and share files. The program is convenient because it combines everything in a common work environment, which includes chat for discussion, file sharing and corporate programs. Students take each test topic in the system according to the calendar-thematic plan, get the result, which the teacher converts into points, according to the evaluation criteria. During the online lesson, the teacher interviews the topic, corrects the answer, explains the points that were unclear, using pre-loaded materials — presentations, videos, photos, radiographs and orthopantomograms, which helps to master the material. For future dentists, practical training, work with real patients, practice of manual and communication skills are extremely important, so during the remote teaching of pediatric therapeutic dentistry, situational problems are solved and algorithms of practical skills are analyzed in order to bring students closer to practice. Distance learning is a purposeful process of interaction between teacher and student, based on the use of modern information and telecommunications technologies that allow distance learning, which is relevant in a pandemic COVID-19.



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