Regurgitation syndrome in young children: diagnosis and correction



digestive system, regurgitation, children, anti-reflux mixtures


Today, functional disorders of the digestive system remain an actual problem of practical pediatrics and a common reason for parents to see doctors. Population survey suggest that during the first year of life, about half of the children have at least one of the symptoms of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and often a combination of several symptoms.
Goal of research: to evaluate the clinical efficiency of antireflux blends in children with the syndrome of regurgitation.
Materials and methods. The 42 children aged 1 to 12 months were examined. Also during the children's clinical research was assessed a physical and mental development, neurological status. To exclude organic lesions of the digestive system, called pyloric stenosis, was used a modern ultrasound examination of the stomach. The main group consisted of 20 children who received anti-reflux milk formula, which has a polysaccharide — gum as a thickener. The comparison group consisted of 22 children who received a polysaccharide — starch as a thickener.
Results. In children who received anti-reflux therapeutic mixtures, with the content of two types of thickeners: gums and modified starch were identified changes in the intensity and frequency of regurgitation. Research experience has shown that the antireflux effect of the mixture, which contains gum as a thickener, occurs faster and has the most pronounced effect.
Conclusions. Correction of regurgitation syndrome in children should be complex and divided into several successive stages: explanatory work with the purpose of psychological support of parents, the use of progressive therapy when feeding the child, the normalization of the feeding schedule and the implementation of adequate diet therapy.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee (LEC) of a participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.


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