Prevention of disorders of the functional state of the cardiovascular system in children with connective tissue dysplasia



children, vascular disorders, undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia


Goal. To analyze the connections between individual indicators of cardiovascular functional status and leading biochemical parameters in children with clinical signs of connective tissue dysplasia (DST).
Materials and methods. General clinical, instrumental examination and additional biochemical study of 109 children aged 9–17 years from the zones of increased radiation control at the hospital of the National Scientific Center of Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, complaints of patients, description of objective status and data of instrumental methods of research: electrocardiography (ECG), data obtained with the help of information-measuring complex of pulsocardiac diagnostics, analysis of biochemical parameters (L-arginine, total amount of nitrites and nitrates in blood, indicators of metabolism and 25(OH)D in serum). Correlation analysis of the obtained results is made.
Results. The most informative among the biochemical markers of the potential risk of developing endothelium dysfunction (ED) in children with DST is the serum NO content. The maximum effect of ED in children with DST is manifested in the form of disorders of autonomic regulation, which is optimally determined by the indices of vegetative imbalance (LFn and HFn) when evaluating the ECG using PAC «Cardio-pulse». The inverse relationship was found between the content of vitamin D in the serum of children with DST and the degree of vegetative disorders according to the ECG evaluation of PAK Cardio-Pulse. ED in children with clinical signs of DST contributes to the development of cardiometabolic disorders.
Conclusions. Therefore, the presence of DST is an independent factor in disorders of the regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in children, which is mediated by endothelium-dependent mechanisms of regulation of vascular tone and contributes to the development of secondary cardiometabolic changes. Thus, some indicators of the ECG and PAC cardio-pulse assessment, in particular the use of the evaluation of the symmetry of the tooth T and its duration, may be considered as screening factors for the detection of signs of endothelial dysfunction in DST in children and be unfavorable factors for the further development of pathology of CVS.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of all participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.


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