Follow-up observation during 10 years of children who were born to seropositive mothers (that are infected with cmv and the hsv-1)



children, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1), morbidity


The relevance of the work is due to the lack of the information devoted to a long-term follow-up observation of the children's health condition, who were born to seropositive mothers (that are infected with CMV and the HSV-1).
Purpose. To explore the frequency and structure of diseases of children, born to seropositive mothers that are infected with CMV and the HSV-1 on the basis of the 10-years analysis of clinical and paraclinical features of the disease process.
Materials and methods. There were 41 children under surveillance aged under 10 years, among them were 13 children (the 1st group ) born from Cytomegalovirus-infected mothers and 18 children (the 2d group) born to mothers infected with Herpes simplex in combination with Cytomegalovirus and 10 children born to uninfected mothers (control III group). Follow-up children observation has been conducted for 10 years and included exploring of frequency and structure of diseases based on the analysis of clinical and paraclinical features of the diseases process.
Results. According to the to results of the observation, the probable dependence of the frequency of respiratory reccurent diseases of early aged children (up to 3 years) on the type of infection of mothers was established. Respiratory reccurent diseases were surely more frequently found among children from the 2d group. After 3 years a significant difference in the structure of children's diseases of the 1st and the 2d groups was found, first of all, due to the prevalence of nasopharynx pathology (recurrent tonsillitis, adenoids, sinusitis) of the children from the 1st group. At the same time, such diseases as atopic dermatitis, kidney pathology, conjunctivitis, otitis media, functional disorders of the digestive tract and connective tissue dysplasia were found more frequently in the children from the 2d group.
Conclusions. The results of the observation revealed a clear and reliable dependence of the frequency, structure, the process of diseases and formation of disorders — on the age of children, the type and combination of viruses which infected mothers of the examined children, the burden obstetric anamnesis, gestational complications and complications of childbirth.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee (LEC) of all participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.


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