Condition of time parameters of heart rhythm in children with small anomalies of the heart


  • I. I. Isayev Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • F. F. Hajiyeva Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • M. M. Fataliyeva Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan


Aim. To study the state of the temporal parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) in children with different forms of small anomalies of heart.

Materials and methods. 120 children of school age (6–17 years old) were examined. Depending on the prevalence of the echocardiographic signs of the small anomalies of the heart (SAH), the children were divided into 3 groups: to the first were classified — 49 (40.8%) children who dominated the small anomalies of the left ventricle that is children with additional (false) chords of the left ventricle (LVFCh). The second qroup consisted of 45 (37.5%) children with a predominance of small anomalies of development under the valve structures of mitral valves that is children with insignificant mitral valve prolapse (MVP) without hemodynamic significant regurgitation. And the third group consisted of 26 (21.6%) children with a predominance of small anomalies of aortic valve development — bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Depending on the age, the examined children were divided into two groups: 6–11 years old (primary school age, n=57) and 12–17 years old (senior school age, n=63). For the comparative analysis of the control group amounted to 36 practically healthy children of the same age. To assess the state of the temporary parameters of HRV in the examined children and adolescents, in addition to general clinical examinations, a multichannel electrocardiogram recording was performed in 12 leads.

Results. Analysis of the results showed, that changes in the temporal parameters of HRV: an indicator of the adequacy of regulation processes (IARP), vegetative rhythm indicator (VRI) and stress index (SI) in groups of children with SAH at the age of 6–11 years old are more expressed than in children of 12–17 years.

Conclusions. This indicates that in children 6–11 years old with MVP VRI and IARP indicating the adequacy of regulation characterizing the relationship between the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the vegetative nervous system increases slightly, unlike children of the same age with false chords of the left ventricle and bicuspid aortic valve and in all clinical groups of children of senior school age, where there was no change in this range.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee (LEC) of institutionThe informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.


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