Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of children with autism
autism spectrum disorders (ASD), stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, hippotherapy, ABA therapy (behavioral therapy), floortimeAbstract
Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)) has many symptoms and can vary quite widely from complete asociality and atrophy of the speech apparatus to increased sensitivity, vulnerability, and inability to cope with problems, and this, accordingly, is a huge medical and social problem that requires significant efforts to solve. As we live in an era of various technologies that occupy the main place in the development of modernity, particularly in medicine, doctors are finding new methods of treating various diseases, even such as ASD. Therefore, the topic of the work is the use of stem cells and effective methods of rehabilitation for children with ASD, which proves to be quite relevant at present.
Aim - through a systematic literature review, to investigate the effect of stem cells on ASD treatment and determine effective correction methods.
The article presents data on the use of stem cells and their influence on brain areas that cause ASD. It contains data about children with ASD worldwide and in Ukraine. The concept of ASD is described, which human conditions are characteristic of ASD when it is better to use experimental methods in treatment, what are the advantages of stem cells, and the positive results that occur with the use of stem cells. Methods suitable for effective and efficient correction of ASD are also described.
Conclusion. The use of any method for the correction or treatment of ASD must correspond to the individual development of the child. Since there is currently no therapeutic method capable of curing ASD, people with this condition have to follow a special diet, undergo medication treatment and various therapies, but they are not able to completely cure ASD. Correctional methods remain the only way to ease the life of people with ASD.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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