Analysis of medical support and health of children in Ukraine during the war




children, military aggression, status, medical care, accessibility, morbidity


In the context of the Russian Federation's aggressive war against Ukraine, children are the most vulnerable group for maintaining the viability of society, forming the foundations of development and defense capabilities of the state.

Aim - is to analyze and evaluate the main indicators of medical care and health of children during martial law.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the main indicators of medical care and health of children in Ukraine during martial law was conducted. The methods of systematic approach, bibliosemantic, comparative analysis, and statistical data processing were used.

Results. The analysis of medical care and children's health under martial law showed a reduction in resources for medical care for children - 3 regional and 7 city children's hospitals were liquidated, 2701 pediatric beds were reduced, 849 pediatricians (loss rate 8.1% and 10.9%), decreased access to medical care for children in terms of reduced number of visits to doctors (6.31 per child per year in 2021 and 5.25 in 2023, loss rate 16.85%), and coverage of children with preventive examinations (95.03 and 89.9%). A significant negative impact of racist aggression on certain determinants of children's health has been proven - an increase in the incidence of children in the first year of life (1,256.97‰ and 1,496.55‰, growth rate 16.43%), the incidence of all forms of active tuberculosis in children (7.9 per 100 thousand children and 11.1), primary disability of children (20.5 per 10 thousand children and 25.0). The study was conducted with a limited set of indicative indicators, which is due to the impossibility of obtaining general statistics for the period of martial law.

Conclusions. The study confirmed the hypothesis of destabilization of medical care for children and deterioration of their health during martial law.

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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