Dynamics of the psychological state of internally displaced school-age children and adolescents
adolescents, internally displaced persons, local residents, emotional state, questionnaire, psychological supportAbstract
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are one of the most disadvantaged population groups in countries affected by hostilities, man-made disasters or other social conflicts and violence.
Aim - to identify gender peculiarities of the emotional state of school-age children and adolescents in war conditions in order to develop effective strategies for psychological support in a timely manner.
Materials and methods. In May 2022, 1017 IDPs adolescents and 4144 adolescents from Lviv and Lviv region (LR) were surveyed anonymously, and a year later, 1173 adolescents in Lviv region, including 139 IDPs.
Results. An analysis of responses about feelings, impressions and emotional state of school-age children and adolescents shows that fear for the lives of their relatives and their fate was the most significant feeling for both IDPs and local residents. Fear for home, housing, and family property remained the second most important fear. A constant feeling of anxiety, helplessness and despair was reported by one-third of IDPs children and adolescents at the beginning of hostilities and evacuation, but during the year this figure decreased to the level of LR. These feelings were more often experienced by girls, regardless of their city of residence. Almost half of all respondents, regardless of their city of residence and gender, reported anger at the situation. Most adolescents expressed confidence that everything will be fine. By almost all indicators, girls from the IDPs group were more emotionally stressed.
Conclusions. The problem of the health status of school-age children and adolescents of IDPs and the organization of medical and psychological assistance to them requires careful study and solution. The traumatic events of the war in Ukraine and the internal migration of school-age children and adolescents have had a significant impact on the mental state of not only them, but also local residents, especially girls. This group of children should be considered as a risk group. Determining their emotional state is of great importance for the prevention of reducing the prevalence of psychopathology, psychosocial dysfunction, timely diagnosis and treatment.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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