Immunoprevention of contact children from focies of chemoresistant tuberculosis infection with BIVEL immunomodulator (BI-V)
immunoprevention, contact children and adolescents, focies of multidrug-resistant tuberculosisAbstract
Aim - to study the feasibility of using the natural immunomodulator BIVEL (BI-V) as a non-specific immunoprevention of tuberculosis (TB) among contact children from focies of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis infection (FsMDR-TBI) on the basis of clinical and immunological studies.
Materials and methods. The object of study: 120 contacted from FsMDR-TBI (75 children and 45 adolescents). The Group 1 - 95 children/adolescents who did not receive BI-V and the Group 2 - 25 patients who received BI-V. The state of phagocytic reactivity of immunity; cellular and humoral immunity; interleukins and specific immunity were determined. Statistical analysis of the obtained results was performed based on a software package Excel.
Results. In infected children/adolescents with FsMDR-TBI, insignificant functional disorders of the cellular response were revealed (decrease by 1.3 times IRI CD3+CD4+/CD3+CD8+), a shift in the balance in the regulatory system towards pro-inflammatory cytokines (increase by 2.0 times TNF-α/IL-10). The existing deviations in the regulatory and cellular response systems disappeared after the completion of the autumn-spring BI-V course. Preventive administration of immunomodulator BI-V to infected children/adolescents with FsMDR-TBI reduced the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections and exacerbations of bronchopulmonary diseases by 2.0 times, the development of latent tuberculosis infection into an active process by 2.6 times. Among children of the Group 2 - 8% of people fell ill with various forms of primary pulmonary TB, among children of the Group 1 - 22.1%. In both groups, the maximum level of TB occurred in the first two years of observation.
Conclusions. The introduction of the algorithm of preventive measures with appointment of BI-V confirmed feasibility of using this immunomodulator for contact children/adolescents with FsMDR-TBI.
The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethical Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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