Regional characteristics of the incidence of congenital anomalies, deformities, and chromosomal disorders in newborns in Ukraine




congenital anomalies, deformities, chromosomal disorders, incidence, genetic doctors, organization of medical-genetic services


Aim - to determine the regional characteristics of the incidence of the nosological group “Congenital Anomalies, Deformities, and Chromosomal Disorders” (Q00-Q99), considering the availability of genetic doctors and the pregnancy examination rate in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. Statistical data from were analyzed for the period 2012-2021. Incidence rates per 1,000 newborns for the nosological group “Congenital Anomalies, Deformities, and Chromosomal Disorders” (Q00-Q99) were calculated, along with the availability of genetic doctors per 1 million population and the examination rate per 100 pregnant women. Linear regression models were used for mathematical modeling, and model quality was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R²). Correlation analysis was conducted among the indicators.

Results. Ukraine experienced a significant increase in the incidence of the group “Congenital Anomalies, Deformities, and Chromosomal Disorders” (Q00-Q99) from 2012 to 2021 (from 22.64‰ to 28.49‰), with a projected increase to 33.91‰ by 2026. Regional incidence variation ranged from 47.4‰ in the Volyn to 11.75‰ in the Kirovohrad Oblast. There is a decrease in the number of examined pregnant women per 100 pregnant women from 2012 to 2022 by -8.62%, from 39.84 per 100 pregnant women in 2012 to 36.41% in 2021.

Conclusions. The formed rating distribution of regions by morbidity indicators, provision of geneticists, the indicator of pregnant women examined in the medical genetic service and the growth rate of the indicated indicators from 2012 to 2021 indicates the best result in Poltava, Kirovohrad, Cherkasy Oblast and the existence of significant problems in the organization of medical genetic counseling in Zakarpattia, Lviv and Volyn Oblast.

No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.


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