A clinical case of a complicated form of pneumonia in a child after COVID-19





older children, pneumonia, COVID-19


Aim - on the basis of the clinical evaluation of the main symptoms of the clinical case, present the diagnostic features of a complicated form of pneumonia in an older child after COVID-19.

Clinical case. A clinical case of a complicated form of pneumonia in a child after COVID-19 is described. It is known that a 10-year-old boy became acutely ill due to the appearance of pain in the chest and abdomen. He was hospitalized in severe condition. The pain syndrome in the chest was strongly expressed and paroxysmal in nature, mainly localized in the region of 3, 4, 5 ribs. At the same time, the boy was in a forced position - on the right side with bent legs. The pain was so intense that the child became pale and the skin of the forehead was covered with sweat.

Conclusions. Organs of the respiratory system are most often affected in patients with COVID-19, wich is characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms after an acute illness of COVID-19. It should be noted that the list of clinical signs and symptoms is not specific for the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia, which complicates the primary diagnosis and requires the inclusion of additional diagnostic methods in the list of the methods of examination. The detection of acute phase parameters should be considered as an addition to the blood count, especially for patients as a subject to hospitalization. These parameters are a useful tool for making a diagnosis, and also can be useful for controlling the course of the disease and treatment. Chest radiography is considered a routine method for diagnosing diseases of the respiratory system, but ultrasound examination of the lungs is a more sensitive and save imaging method, especially for the examination of the pediatric patients with parapneumonic pleural effusion to determine the presents and characteristics of the fluid in the pleural cavity, and further monitoring of the child's condition. The assessment of the probability of COVID-19 according to the CO-RADS classification is carried out based on the results of computer tomography in the case when the patient has an indication for carrying out this method of examination, but it is not used for the primary diagnosis of respiratory system diseases.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.

No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.


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