Vitamin D status in children with idiopathic stunting




idiopathic short stature, vitamin D, children


Short stature is considered idiopathic in the absence of systemic, endocrine, nutritional, or genetic abnormalities and is defined as growth below two standard deviations of the mean for age, sex, and population.

Aim - analysis of laboratory and auxological indicators and levels of vitamin D in children with idiopathic short stature (ISS) depending on gender to improve the diagnosis of this pathology.

Materials and methods. Thirty-five children with ISS were examined. The following were taken into account: the patient's gender and age, anthropometric data, the blood level of vitamin D, bone age, the level of growth hormone (GH) after stimulation tests (clonidine, insulin), levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), serum level of total and ionized calcium.

Results. In boys with ISS with an existing vitamin D deficiency basal level of GH was low and 1.7 times lower than in girls with the corresponding deficiency. In the insulin-test, an increase in GH levels was observed in both sexes to normal levels, but in girls, the GH level was 1.6 times higher compared to boys. Showed that regardless of the vitamin D, this indicator was within the normal range. In children with vitamin D deficiency its levels were slightly higher in boys than in girls, but not significantly. In conditions of vitamin D deficiency, a lower level of vitamin D was lower in girls than in boys.

Conclusions. Boys were found to have a low level of vitamin D in blood serum (85.7%), while its deficiency occurred in 46.4% and insufficiency in 39.3%. Girls have a low level of vitamin D occurred in 100% of them, mostly vitamin D deficiency was observed (57.1%), vitamin D deficiency was present in 42.9% of girls with ISS. In children with ISS and hypovitaminosis D, no abnormalities were found in a number of biochemical indicators - creatinine, urea, cholesterol, calcium (total and ionized) and phosphorus in the blood.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies. It was found that most of the studied patients had a low level of vit. D, which may be a prerequisite for a standard recommendation to determine this vitamin in children with ISS.

No conflict of interests was declared by the author.


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