International practices in diagnosing the level of functioning of children with cerebral palsy (literature review)




cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, international classification of functioning and limitations of life and health (ICF), standardized scales, patient participation, quality of life, physical therapy, occupational therapy


Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (CP) requires a complex and individual approach, which includes: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychological and social support. An important component of rehabilitation is the determination of the level of functioning for the appropriate formation and subsequent implementation of an individual rehabilitation program in accordance with the principles of the International Classification of Functioning and Limitations of Vital Activities and Health (ICF), which will contribute to the development of functional activity, inclusion in society and improvement of the quality of life of children with CP and their relatives/guardians

Aim - to investigate which clinical tools are used in global practice to diagnose the level of functioning of children with CP and to expand the understanding of CP rehabilitation processes as strategies for managing the quality of life of children with CP and their relatives/caregivers.

To search were used PubMed, MEDLINE, and Embase databases. Key terms such as "Clinical Scales", "Rehabilitation Programs" and others were used, and the selected articles were then analyzed to select the most relevant studies.

An analysis of modern diagnostic methods of functional activity diagnosis, quality of life assessment and important aspects of the ICF application in the rehabilitation of children with CP was carried out. The results of the study can serve as a basis for developing an optimal strategy for managing the quality of life of children with CP and their relatives/guardians at the national level.

Conclusions. The obtained results emphasize the importance of understanding modern diagnostic methods of functional activity and quality of life of children with CP and their relatives/caregivers. Assessment of quality of life is a key aspect of the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. Social factors and the environment significantly affect the activity and inclusion in society of children with CP and their relatives/guardians, so the results of the study are important to consider for the development of optimal strategies for managing their health and improving the quality of life.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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