Justification of the feasibility of improving intersectoral interaction in order to preserve the ophthalmological health of children in Ukraine
intersectoral interaction, organization of medical care for children, prevention of diseases of the eye and its accessory apparatusAbstract
Changing conditions and modern features of the transformation of society require the full functioning of the visual analyzer. Healthy vision in childhood becomes the key to the formation of a harmonious personality, components of the child's physical and psycho-emotional development during growth.
The aim is to justify the feasibility of improving the system of preserving the ophthalmological health of children in Ukraine with the introduction of intersectoral systemic interaction of medical and educational workers who work with children on a daily basis.
Materials and methods. For the scientific justification of the feasibility of improving the system of preserving the ophthalmological health of children in Ukraine, the results of sociological research among doctors and educators who work daily with children of different ages, modern analytical materials summarizing the recommendations of the World Health Organization regarding the medical and social aspects of the occurrence of disorders were applied visual functions in children of different ages. Research methods: system approach and system analysis; analytical and synthetic; structural analysis; sociological research, SWOT analysis and graphic modeling.
Results and conclusions. The expediency of improving intersectoral interaction in order to preserve the ophthalmological health of children in Ukraine has been proven, the model of which, as well as the main structural elements, is detailed in the work. Modern components, the implementation of which is proposed to be started at the regional level, are: leadership and strategic management on the ground; financing with improvement of the economic principles of interaction of primary medical care institutions; personnel support for the provision of preventive services for the preservation of ophthalmic health; informational and educational work. The well-founded model takes into account the need to improve the functional and organizational components of the availability of children's ophthalmic care, material and technical, personnel support to increase the effectiveness of medical and preventive ophthalmic care for children, as well as the effectiveness of engaging interdisciplinary initiatives in optimizing the diagnosis of vision disorders in children.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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