The influence of risk factors on the formation of insufficient growth of the fetus




risk factors, fetal development delay, pathophysiological mechanism occurrence of insufficient growth of the fetus, trophoblast invasion, spiral arterioles, uterine placental blood flow


Fetal growth retardation is defined as the condition of a fetus whose weight is less than 10% of the gestational weight age, that is, the fetus does not reach its genetic growth potential.

Aim - to determine the risk factors contributing to the formation of fetal growth retardation. 

Materials and methods. A retrospective study of medical documentation of 110 patients (main group) with a confirmed fetal growth restriction and 70 pregnant women of the control group, searching risk factors for fetal growth restriction.

Results. The frequency of abnormalities of the umbilical cord and placenta was 24.5% in the main group against 4% in the control group. Extragenital diseases occurred in 74.5% versus 20% in the control group. In addition, uterine malformations (6.3% in the main and 2% in the control groups), low weight before pregnancy 41.8% in the main and 20% in the control group. Heavy bleeding in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy - 10% in the main group versus 2% in the control group, abnormal biochemical markers of I and II screening - 56.3% in the main group versus 30% in the control group.

Conclusions. Insufficient growth of the fetus is a multifactorial pathology, among the leading pathogenetic factors of extragenital diseases, uterine malformations, additional reproductive technologies, low maternal weight before pregnancy. Except moreover, risk factors for fetal growth retardation are previous births a child with a low weight, the interval between pregnancies less than 18 months  and the mother's age is over 35 years old. 13.6% of pregnant women with insufficient fetal growth had more than 3 factors risk (in the control group - 1.4%), however, more than a third of patients who had such a pregnancy complication (35.4%) had none of the listed risk factors, which prompts further research into pathogenesis.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The research protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of all institutions mentioned in the work. Informed consent of the children's parents was obtained for the research.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Author Biography

D.О. Govsіeіev, Perinatal Center of Kyiv

Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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