Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children aged 6-8 as a medical and social problem
children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, disorders of mental development, preventionAbstract
One of the medical and social problems that are considered urgent today is the need to improve the health of children with disorders of mental development, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Purpose - to conduct a systematic analysis of scientific sources regarding the etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and joint practical work of doctors, social workers, and teachers regarding ADHD in children 6-8 years old.
Domestic and international studies prove that the treatment of ADHD in children should be comprehensive, include recommendations on regime and lifestyle, drug therapy, and practical recommendations from an educational component.
A multidisciplinary approach to determine clinical-psychopathological and clinical-psychological regularities of the mental development of children with ADHD is relevant. A feature of such children is high activity, inability to focus on one thing, short-temperedness. But such a condition can be corrected if treatment is started as early as possible.
The cause of the development of the disorder can be: complications during pregnancy (this includes early toxicosis, preeclampsia, intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus), complications during childbirth (premature, rapid); low body weight of the child at birth or suffered serious diseases during the first year of life; the presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman, hard work or work in harmful conditions during the period of bearing the fetus.
The main signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children 6-8 years old are as follows: inattention; hyperactivity; impulsiveness. The main symptoms of ADHD can also be accompanied by accompanying symptoms: difficulties in learning, even despite high intellectual abilities; tics; quick fatigue; the presence of phobias, anxiety and depression; autism; sleep problems; speech or behavior disorders.
Scientists consider the features of intellectual development of children with ADHD to be voluntary regulation of mental activity, cognitive functions, speech, voluntary motor activity, insufficient development of perceptual-gnostic and emotional spheres.
No conflict of interests was declared by the author.
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