Onychocryptosis in children: literature review and generalization of treatment experience at the clinic of pediatric surgery of National Pirogov Memorial Medical Universiy
onychocryptosis, ingrown nail, treatmentAbstract
Onychocryptosis in children is a medico-social problem, since the suffering associated with this pathology affects the general state of health and the formation of children's psyche, which significantly worsens the quality of life in pediatric practice.
Purpose - to highlight the problem of treatment of an ingrown toenail in children to determine the optimal therapeutic and diagnostic tactics.
The article analyzes the possible causes and risk factors of ingrown toenails, describes the symptoms of this disease. The experience of treating onychocryptosis in children is considered, namely, the methods of surgical intervention, taking into account the frequency of relapses, treatment terms, levels of trauma, and cosmetic results. The work summarizes the experience of treating 167 patients with onychocryptosis who were treated in the pediatric surgery clinic of the National Pirogov memorial Medical University from 2011 to 2020. A clinical case of operative treatment of onychocryptosis using the Schmiden method is demonstrated.
Conclusions. The appearance of an ingrown toenail in children is explained by various congenital and acquired causes. Onychocryptosis occurs mainly in adolescence. The choice of the method of surgical treatment depends on the severity of local pathological changes and the presence of complications, the frequency of relapses, and the duration of treatment.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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