Amino acid exchange as an integral part of the growth of preterm babies (literature review)
prematurely born, amino acids, growthAbstract
An important factor influencing the occurrence of metabolic disorders is premature birth. Compared to full-term children, prematurely born children are a special group of children in whom the morphology of organs and their physiological functions are not yet fully formed, and the activity of enzymes associated with protein metabolism is insufficient, which leads to disorders, including blocking the metabolism of certain amino acids. Thesis has been formed that certain factors will influence screening indicators of metabolic status in prematurely born children.
The transition from the intrauterine environment, leading to a change from a state of complete dependence on the mother to an independent extrauterine environment, is perhaps the most dramatic physiological and metabolic event in life. Birth and early adaptation provoke the formation of significant changes in protein and energy metabolism.
Amino acid concentrations are biomarkers of protein metabolism, and studying their patterns and levels in preterm infants may reveal metabolic changes associated with contributing factors. To date, standard values for the concentration of amino acids in the plasma of adults, infants and older children have been established.
Since amino acids are important components of a large number of vital compounds, disruption of the physiological metabolism of the protein component can lead to growth retardation in a child born prematurely. Thesis has been formed that certain factors can influence screening indicators of metabolic status in prematurely born children. The purpose of the study was to summarize the literature data, understand the characteristics of the metabolism of individual amino acids in prematurely born children, and also systematize data on changes in amino acid levels against the background of perinatal pathology.
Understanding and interpreting metabolic status provides a scientific basis and at the same time provides real-world guidance for improving the metabolic quality of care for preterm infants.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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