How preschool children in Lithuania perceive the war in Ukraine: analysis of drawings
children, drawing, preschool age, kindergarten, war, Ukraine, LithuaniaAbstract
Lithuanian society actively supports Ukraine and is very close to the threat of extended war. How to communicate with preschool children about cruel war events is a problematic question for many parents and educators.
Purpose - to study the attitude of parents to communicate with children about the war, to determine the ways of thinking and perception of military events by children through drawings.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted in 5 kindergartens in Vilnius with the participation of 113 parents of 36 children.
Results. Results revealed that 54.9% parents noted that they are talking about the war with their preschool-age child. 31.8% parents gave permission to speak and draw with their children about the war. The average age of children was 5.3±0.7 years. 72.2% of parents who permitted to talk about the war in Ukraine with their children indicated that they speak to their children about the war, and only 46.7% of parents who not gave permission indicated that they speak to their children about the war (p=0.006).
Data showed that even children not directly impacted by war violence often are aware of current war events. Children’s drawings demonstrated a concrete understanding of war events and emphasized war’s negative emotions and destructive consequences. The predominant theme of the drawings were weapons, war events, falling bombs, destroyed houses, dying people, soldiers, and frightened faces.
Conclusions. The study revealed that only half of the parents talked to their children about the war in Ukraine. Analysis of the form and content of the drawings show that the experienced war events left a robust impression on the children. It is essential to know the feelings and experiences of preschool children, to react appropriately according to their age and respond to their needs. It is necessary to talk to children about the war, trying to understand their worldviews, imaginations, and fears, because war experiences at an early age are a severe factor for the child’s further development.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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