Congenital heart diseases: frequency, causes, predictors of placental and fetal disorders
congenital heart diseases, placenta, fetus, angiogenic placental factors, antiangiogenic placental factorsAbstract
Today, cardiovascular disease remains one of the main causes of morbidity, mortality and early disability in the population. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality (up to 30%) and is one of the most severe conditions - multiple congenital malformations in children.
Purpose - to analyze the literature data on the frequency of CHD, their causes, characteristics of the functioning of the fetoplacental system, and the importance of placental factors as markers of placental-fetal disorders to improve the effectiveness of prenatal diagnosis of heart defects and provide specialized medical care to pregnant women.
A brief review of markers of early placental abnormalities and the development of heart defects, such as placental growth factor (PIGF), soluble form of fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), placental lactogen, and others, is provided. Given the significant proportion of fetoplacental insufficiency and CHD as the cause of perinatal losses, it is advisable to search for both genetic and morphological factors of their occurrence, which will improve prenatal diagnosis and the level of specialized care for pregnant women and children.
Conclusions. The provided review of the literature indicated the possible causes of the occurrence of CHD, highlighted the relevance of the problem, which is primarily associated with a significant frequency of cardiovascular pathology and violations of the relationship and functioning of the fetoplacental system. Among the causes of congenital heart defects, multifactorial pathology has the greatest specific weight, the solution of the problem of diagnosis of which requires the combined action of obstetric-gynecological, cardiology, medical-genetic and pathomorphological services.Determination of placental factors PlGF and sFlt-1 in the blood can be recommended as criteria for prenatal diagnosis of defects of the cardiovascular system.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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