Functional dyspepsia in children (literature review)
dyspepsia, children, Roman criteria IV, gastrointestinal tract, treatmentAbstract
Functional digestive disorders account for a significant proportion of gastrointestinal diseases in children. In recent years, we have seen the growth of functional dyspepsia in children, which is an urgent problem for both children's gastroenterologists and pediatricians.
Purpose - to conduct a systematic review of the literature on etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as methods of treatment and prevention of functional dyspepsia in children.
The scientific literature is analyzed and the data on the complex etiopathogenesis of functional dyspepsia, the multifaceted pathogenetic links, the role of psychoneurological factors are presented. The modern classification of functional dyspepsia in children is given. It should be noted that, despite the widespread prevalence of this pathology, doctors sometimes face significant difficulties at the stage of diagnosis. «Symptoms of anxiety», in the presence of which the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia becomes impossible. According to domestic and international studies, the treatment of functional dyspepsia should be comprehensive, include dietary recommendations, recommendations on regime and lifestyle, and drug therapy.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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