Clinical effect of applying peach oil with vitamins A, E, D externally on the skin at atopic dermatitis in children
peach oil, vitamins A, E, D, skin, atopic dermatitis, childrenAbstract
Vitamins A, E, D play an extremely important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes, an adequate immune response, and maintaining resistance to various adverse external factors. The impact of vitamins A, E, D, and the relationship between their availability and the susceptibility to skin allergies continues to be studied. Peach oil is widely used in medicinal ointments and creams for dermatitis, and vitamins are successfully used in the systemic treatment of atopic dermatitis in children. The possibility of combined external application of peach oil and vitamins A, E, D to the skin in atopic dermatitis in children is of scientific interest.
Purpose - to study, evaluate and analyze the clinical effect of combined external application of peach oil and vitamins A, E, D on the skin in atopic dermatitis in children.
Materials and methods. During the research, 64 children with atopic dermatitis and 32 children of the control group aged from 1 to 17 years were examined. Сomparative assessment of the clinical effect of traditional and improved complex therapy of 64 children with atopic dermatitis. Improved complex therapy included the external application on the skin of peach oil with vitamins A, E, D twice a day during four weeks. General clinical, immunological, questionnaires and statistical research methods were used.
Results. The research of different variants for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children showed better clinical effect of improved complex therapy with the external application on the skin of peach oil with vitamins A, E, D, which was accompanied by a decrease in the prevalence and intensity of skin manifestations, itching, normalization of sleep and it was confirmed by a decrease in the SCORAD index, a decrease markers of allergic inflammation - concentrations of leukocytes, eosinophils and histamine in the blood. The significant improvement in the course of the disease was noted under the influence of improved complex treatment compared to traditional therapy.
Conclusions. The combined external application on the skin of peach oil and vitamins A, E, D with atopic dermatitis in children contributes to a significantly faster reduction of the skin signs such as dryness / flaking, xerosis/hyperkeratosis, lichenization/lichenification, erythema/hyperemia, edema/papules, excoriations/scratches, microvesiculation, exudation/wetting, hemorrhagic and serous crusts, hyperpigmentation, compared to traditional therapy of atopic dermatitis in children.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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