Assessment of acoustic signal characteristics in children with community-acquired pneumonia according to the prevalence and nature of lung tissue damage using the new device «Trembita-Corona»
acoustic monitoring, “Trembita-Corona” device, community-acquired pneumonia, focal pneumonia, segmental pneumonia, childrenAbstract
Relevance. According to the new orders and guidelines of 2022, radiography is not performed for all children. Therefore, the creation of a fully automated system of control and assessment of breathing sounds, without exposing patients to radiation, is currently an urgent task.
Purpose - to determine the features of the acoustic signal in segmental and focal pneumonia in children with a new acoustic diagnostic device “Trembita-Corona”.
Materials and methods. 76 children aged from 1 month to 18 years were examined. The children were divided into two groups: the Group 1 - 47 patients with segmental pneumonia; the Group 2 - 29 patients with focal pneumonia. All children were also examined using the “Trembita-Corona” acoustic monitoring device.
Results. The acoustic signal was investigated in 12 octaves. The first 9 octaves were the most promising. Each octave was divided into third octaves. We found reliable differences in the average signal power in 0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 15, 20, 23-26 third octaves.
When studying the average signal power between children with segmental and focal pneumonia, the main differences were found precisely in the frequency of peaks in 0-3,10,11,14-16, 18,20,22 third octaves.
Conclusions. The use of the acoustic monitoring device “Trembita-Corona” in making a diagnosis is very promising method. The average signal power between children with segmental and focal pneumonia, the main differences were found precisely in the frequency of peaks in 0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22 third octaves.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of all participating institutions. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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