To the issue of diagnosis of neuropsychological development of newborns and young children
newborn, brain, early diagnosis, scales, movement disorders, cerebral palsyAbstract
The current problem of neonatology and child neurology is highlighted - the features of early diagnosis of neuropsychological development of newborns and young children.
The scientific literature on the morphofunctional features of brain development was analyzed, while the main attention was paid to the first two years of a child’s life. It is emphasized that the peak activity of brain development falls on the second half of pregnancy and the first three months of postnatal life.
New data on the development of the brain are described, namely the presence of a transitional structure - the cortical subplate. It is shown that the development of the motor and behavioral sphere of a newborn and an infant is largely mediated by the coexistence of two separate but interconnected brain structures - the transitional structure, namely the subplate and the formation of the cortical plate during this period.
It is emphasized that two age periods are important for the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders: the first is about three months after birth, when the cortical subplate in the primary motor, somatosensory, and visual cortex is eliminated, and the second is the end of the first year, when the cortical subplate is eliminated in the prefrontal and parietal temporal regions.
It was determined that the clinical manifestations associated with the disappearance of the subplate in the primary sensory and motor areas three months after childbirth coincide with a major transition in motor behavior, namely, spontaneously generated general movements are replaced by purposeful movements, adaptive behavior is formed in response to changes in environmental factors.
Some clinical and diagnostic features in the detection of early disorders of neuropsychological development are highlighted, taking into account the stages of brain maturation (myelination, synaptogenesis).
Some of the most common diagnostic scales and tests are considered. The most significant motor scales in the infant period, which are used to predict the outcome, are shown. Some standardized neurological assessments are highlighted. The concept of an early intervention program for infants with a high risk of developing cerebral palsy and cognitive impairment is defined.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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