The role of independent work of students in training future highly qualified specialists
students, independent work, quality of education, self-educationAbstract
The concept of higher medical education is an integrated approach to the formation of a harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality of a specialist. The training of modern specialists should be at such a level that tomorrow they will confidently and on equal terms compete professionally not only in Ukraine but also abroad, be able to creatively and quickly solve non-standard production, scientific, educational tasks with the best possible result. Today, independent work of students is an obligatory part of the educational process, the importance of which is constantly growing in the conditions of the credit-modular system of education and is considered as one of the active forms and methods of teaching. During the educational process in higher medical institutions, various types of independent work of students are used, such as individual preparation for practical, seminar classes and final module controls, preparation for the defense of case histories, participation in the work of the student scientific circle, speeches and participation in scientific and practical conferences, forums, master classes, practically oriented competitions, etc. Information about the content, amount of time allocated, evaluation of students’ independent work is given in the curriculum and syllabus of the discipline and aims to expand and deepen knowledge and skills in this course, help to form clinical thinking, creative imagination and modeling of doctor’s tactics in a specific clinical situation, improve the assimilation of interdisciplinary integration of knowledge and skills, teaches to work with literary sources - to analyze, generalize, compare, thereby activating the creative component.
Purpose - to analyze the forms of organization and to determine ways to improve the independent work of students as a component in the system of the educational process during the study at a medical university.
Results and conclusions. Therefore, independent work of students is a mandatory, important form of the educational process, which allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of the training of a future specialist, helps to form the student’s skills of clinical thinking, independence and creative imagination. It provides an opportunity for the student to acquire new knowledge at the same time, to master the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization of information and to practically improve them.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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