Clinical evaluation of the use of inhalation of 6% N-acetylcysteine in 3% NaCL solution (Flu-Acyl Broncho) in the treatment of children with acute bronchitis
acute bronchitis, mucolytics, children, inhalationAbstract
Purpose - to propose an optimization of treatment of acute bronchitis in children by introducing inhalation of FLU-ACIL broncho before therapy.
Materials and methods. An open, prospective, multicenter, non-interventional, comparative (with active control) study with two therapeutic groups was conducted. The experience of therapy of 45 children with moderate acute bronchitis aged 2-12 years old was summarized. The main group included 30 children who received inhalation of Flu-Acyl Broncho in the complex treatment: 5 ml 2 times a day 3-4 hours before bedtime for 7-10 days; the comparison group included 15 children who received oral acetylcysteine/ambroxol for 7-12 days. If it is necessary, antipyretic therapy with ibuprofen or paracetamol was used. The period from the onset of the disease to participation in the study was about 2-4 days. The study did not include children with concomitant acute middle ear diseases, acute sinusitis, acute allergic diseases and children with symptoms of obstruction.
The results of examination and treatment of patients were analyzed using the software package «Statistica 6.0 for Windows».
Results and conclusions. Comprehensive treatment of acute bronchitis in children with the administration of the inhalation Flu-Acyl Broncho, sterile solution for nebulizer and instillation, has a positive clinical effect, leads to faster relief (p<0.01) and disappearance (p<0.05) of cough compared to oral mucolytics. The additional anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect of the inhalation route of administration of Flu-Acyl Broncho on the nasopharyngeal mucosa improves the results of treatment of children with concomitant acute respiratory pathology of the upper respiratory tract. This is manifested in faster, compared to oral mucolytics, elimination of rhinitis (p<0.001) and sore throat (p<0.05).
All studies were performed in accordance with the ethical principles adopted by the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for medical research conducted on human subjects. Approval was obtained from the ethics committee of the Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 5 of Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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