Modern features of the injury of children of the first year of life: regional aspects
newborns, children of the first year of life, weight categories, healthy start, morbidityAbstract
The purpose - to identificate of characteristic trends and regional features of the incidence of children in the first year of life in Ukraine in the XXI century.
Materials and methods. It was carried out a retrospective analysis and assessment of the dynamics of the incidence of children in the first year of life in Ukraine and its regions for the period 2000-2021 according to state and industry statistics. There were applied methods of system approach, epidemiological analysis of graphic image. Statistical processing of the research materials was carried out using biometric analysis methods.
Results. Decrease in the number of newborns born in the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the period 2000-2021 was accompanied by destabilization of a healthy start of life in terms of high birth rates of low weight and premature infants for the same years with a stable excess of the number of low weight over premature infants. The negative trend of underweight and premature infants persists in the vast majority of regions, with the exception of Mykolayiv and Odesa oblasts, with a higher growth rate in Kyiv, Zakarpattia oblast and Kirovohrad oblast. With a positive trend in the frequency of births of sick and sick newborns still every fifth baby in the newborn period has a deviation in health. Kyiv, Poltava and Kyiv oblasts remain the leaders in the frequency of births of sick and sick newborns in 2021. Only in Ternopil, Cherkasy, Mykolaiv and Zakarpattia oblasts this indicator is less than 145‰. Assessment of the dynamics of the overall morbidity of children in the first year of life showed a steady decrease in all regions. Infant morbidity rates remain extremely high in Zaporizhia, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytsky and Odesa oblasts with relatively low rates in Ternopil, Luhansk and Mykolaiv oblasts. The positive trend in the incidence of children in the first year of life is due to its decrease in the vast majority of classes of diseases, except for diseases of the nervous system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. In 2021, traditionally, the leading position in the level and structure of morbidity of children in the first year of life was occupied by respiratory diseases, some conditions that occurred in the perinatal period, and skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue.
Conclusions. The positive trend in the incidence of infants as a measure of access to medical care for children and at the same time an effective indicator of the diagnostic capacity of the health care system against the background of destabilizing a healthy start of life as a factor in women’s reproductive health may be due to the results of the study can be the basis for the development and adoption of additional management decisions to provide basic guarantees of life and development of young children.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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