The biological role of chromium and the impact of changes in its content on the course of obesity and hypertension in children (literature review, own research)
chromium, microelements, obesity, hypertension, comorbidity, childrenAbstract
The study of the role of certain microelements deficiency in the human body has not lost its relevance for decades. One of these microelements is chromium. Given its ability to reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the human body, much attention is being paid to studying the role of chromium in the treatment of obesity and hypertension. A number of scientists in their studies have shown a positive effect of chromium supplementation in these diseases. However, a large number of unexplored questions remain. In particular, most of the studies are devoted to the study of isolated diseases, while many patients usually have a comorbidity of several diseases. Also, the study of the role of this microelement in children remains without the attention of scientists. Most scientists note the need for further research in this direction.
Purpose - to summarize the literature data and the results of our own studies of the biological role of chromium and the impact of changes in its content on the course of obesity and hypertension in children.
Results and conclusions. Today, the role of chromium in the treatment and prevention of obesity and hypertension continues to be studied. According to literature sources, with a decrease in the level of chromium in the blood plasma of patients, obesity and hypertension are statistically significantly more often recorded. In systematic reviews chromium supplementation has been shown to reduce body weight and systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with obesity and hypertension. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of chromium in the hair of school-age children with hypertension in combination with obesity is statistically significantly (p<0.01) lower than in healthy peers.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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