The main issues of children and adolescents vaccination against COVID-19
vaccination, COVID-19, childrenAbstract
The main principles of specific immunoprophylaxis of COVID-19 in children and adolescents were determined based on the accumulated scientific data. It was established that only two vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) «Comirnaty» and Moderna mRNA-1273 «Spikevax» were approved by the WHO for emergency use in children and only the first of them was approved for use in Ukraine.
Both vaccines have a proven safety and efficacy profile according to the results of clinical trials. The current analysis of side effects associated with Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) "Comirnaty" and Moderna mRNA-1273 "Spikevax" vaccination indicates a favorable clinical course of local, systemic reactions and myocarditis following a vaccination with regression of symptoms in all patients. The risk of the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children following acute infection, the potential for other sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the risk of severe disease in children with underlying medical conditions, remain compelling reasons for vaccination of children and outweigh possible risks of side effects associated with vaccination.
In the context of the global shortage of vaccines in the world, immunization programs should focus on groups of highest risk of hospitalizations and deaths, according to the Prioritization Roadmap. Children vaccination against COVID-19 with risk factors, comorbidities, immunodeficiency is a priority. Before vaccinating children and adolescents at low risk of serious disease, children from high-risk groups should be actively identified and vaccinated, justifying the importance of their vaccination.
Despite the widespread introduction of vaccination, appropriate preventive measures for fighting COVID-19 should be taken, including physical distancing, frequent handwashing, wearing masks.
It is extremely important to maintain a high level of vaccination coverage against other infectious diseases and not to delay the planned vaccination of children.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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