The polymyelite problem: a threat or a reality?




children, polio, diagnosis, differential diagnosis


The relevance of infectious pathology in children in modern conditions has acquired new significant features. We are talking about the measles epidemic (2017–2019), then the incidence and mortality caused by the Covid-19 virus (since 2020), and now (autumn 2021–January 2022) – an outbreak of polio in Ukraine. Already in January 2022, the second case of polio in a child from Ukraine was confirmed, so we have two outbreaks (Rivne and Zakarpattia regions), where the level of vaccination is the lowest in the country. And it is one of the lowest in the Zakarpattia region, and the tendency to further decrease has been observed for the last 2 years. It was found that the children were infected with the second type of poliovirus. This has greatly alarmed ukrainian and foreign experts, as the previous active campaign on global vaccination has reduced the number of polio cases in the world by 99% (for the period 1988-2021). The risk of polio in Ukraine is still high. These circumstances motivate to update the knowledge of doctors on diagnostic issues, differential diagnosis, to improve the quality of diagnosis.

In the context of a decrease in the activity of the vaccine company, a high percentage of asymptomatic course and carriers of the polio virus, difficulties in differential diagnosis, and the absence of etiopathogenetic therapy, the threat of the spread of this dangerous infection among the child population with serious long-term consequences is obvious. The only step that can make a real difference is the introduction of active action to close the gap in routine immunization coverage for children.

No conflict of interests was declared by the author.


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