Prognosis of formation of asthma with anamnestic factors in children
wheezing, recurrent wheezing, asthma, children, data of anamnesis, risk factors, preschool ageAbstract
Allergic diseases are one of the main problems today. Almost 15% of the child population suffers from allergic diseases. Respiratory allergies account for a significant share and currently the prevalence of asthma in the world — 5–10%.
Purpose — to assess the anamnestic risk factors for the development asthma in children with recurrent wheezing.
Materials and methods. Analysis of clinical data of 96 children aged 1 year 6 months to 6 years 11 months with recurrent episodes of bronchial obstruction, who were examined and treated in the municipal non$profit enterprise «City clinical children's hospital No. 16» Kharkiv City Council. Patients have the inclusion criteria in the study. Children were observed before the age of 6 years to verify the diagnosis of asthma and were divided into groups. Group I included 15 patients with asthma. Group II — 81 patients who had recurrent wheezing.
Results. Among the anamnestic data were significant adverse factors in the formation of asthma. The nature and strength of the relationship between these factors have been established. The connection with the formation of asthma in children was evaluated.
Conclusions. The established data can be used in the algorithm of examination of patients with wheezing. It`s able to identify the risk groups of children for the formation of asthma. Collection of anamnesis and identification of these risk factors can be used to predict the formation of asthma in children less than 6 years.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local ethics committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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