The role of health saving technologies in maintaining pupils heath
health saving technologies, pupils, health, physical activities, optimal nutritionAbstract
Finding ways to keep pupils healthy is an important and actual problem for health regulation authorities. In this regard, health technologies are being actively developed, their introduction allows to maintain the level of health which children had before entering school.
Purpose — to evaluate the impact of health saving technology «Education in movement» on pupils' health conditions.
Materials and methods. Deep complex clinical instrumental examinations among 153 children were conducted in public institution «Kyiv Regional Children's Hospital» before they entered the school and during І–ІV classes. Among them 65 middle school pupils of school No. 287 based in Kyiv, where health saving technology «Education in movement» of professor O.D. Dubogai is implemented as 1(main) group. And 88 pupils of school No. 3 based in Boyarka (Kyiv Region), which studied generally accepted methods as 2 group (control).
Results. Usage of HST «Education in movement» allowed to increase the share of children of harmonic development from 27.7% to 63.9% (p<0.05) among with the body weight normalisation (from 20.0% to 16.7%), while in comparative group no changes happened (38.6 and 41.7% correspondingly) with increased share of pupils with obesity and excess body weight (from 33.4% to 50.0%) (p<0.05). Usage of HST «Education in movement» сertainly increases adaptive and spare capabilities of early school aged children and influences their cardiovascular system in a positive way: based on Babaev index (97.2% vs 33.3% in control group) (р<0.05); based on Ruffie probe has higher and higher than average levels of funсtional heart reserve after finishing 1st primary school had 77.6% and 8.4% pupils (р<0.001); based on clinic orthostatic probe share of pupils with physiological reactions of hemodynamics while changing position of the body increased from 65.9% до 44.4%. It's proved that implementation of HST «Education in movement» grades the difference in adaptive and spare capabilities among 6 and 7 year old children. HST «Education in movement» also has positive influence on functional condition of respiratory system among pupils by increasing satisfactorily chest excursion rate (from 41.5% to 88.9%) (p<0.05), satisfactorily Stange probe (from 67.0% to 87.0%), high life index rate (from 58.5 to 97.2%), which accompanied with high level of anti-infectious resistance pupils primary school age with a decrease quantity of missed lessons as a result GRI per year on one student (18.7 and 15.9 days in 1 and 4 classes accordingly) their complications (15.1% and 3.5% and 14.9%, and 16.2% on control) in 4th class never get sick 16.3%, but in control group only 5.25% (p<0.05). In main group the share of pupils with functional disorders of CVS has decreased (from 30.8% to 8.3%) (р<0.001), in control group increased (from 46.6% to 58.3%) with trustworthy increase of problems with locomotion apparatus (from 29.5% to 44.4%), digestive diseases (from 21.9% to 36.0%), respiration (from 7.9% to 44.4%) and endocrine system (from 32.5% to 50.0%) (р<0.05). After 4 years of HST implementation in the main group the positive dynamic of decreased number of children with high level of anxiety has been observed. In the control group opposite — number of people with high levels of anxiety has increased, which influenced general health conditions and success in school.
Conclusions. Optimal research results confirmed that implementation of health saving technology «Education in movement» contributes to the maintenance of the same level of heath which children had before they entered the school.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local ethics committee of the participating institutions. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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