Influence of vitamin D provision on the course of acute respiratory infections in children
vitamin D, children, deficiency, respiratory diseases, preventionAbstract
The review article provides data from modern studies confirming the multifaceted effect of vitamin D in the human body. Vitamin D3 receptors (VDRs) have been shown to be present in most organs and tissues of the body. This confirms the importance of vitamin D not only in the formation of the skeletal system, but also in many of its extraosseous effects. Calcitriol affects the modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular conduction, inflammation processes, and is also an important stimulator of innate immunity due to the synthesis of antimicrobial peptides that provide protection against bacteria and viruses. In recent years, the relationship between the concentration of vitamin D in the blood and the incidence of respiratory infections in children has been actively studied. Many studies have shown that low vitamin D status is characteristic of most children with respiratory infections, and an adequate level of 25(OH)D in serum has a positive effect on the frequency of these infections and the severity of their course. Most authors demonstrate the benefits of vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of respiratory diseases in children, but there is no consensus regarding the frequency and dosage of vitamin D.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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