Acute respiratory infections in children: current trends in antiviral therapy
children, treatment, acute respiratory viral diseases, FlavovirAbstract
The aim is тto study the clinical efficacy of Flavovir® in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in young children.
Materials and methods. The study included 60 young children who received outpatient treatment at the primary health care centers of the Vinnytsia region in the period from 2019 to 2021. The inclusion criteria for the study were ARVI and age аfrom 1 month to 3 years; exclusion criteria were еaggravated premorbid background (immunodeficiency diseases, congenital malformations, etc.), the use of other antiviral drugs, influenza vaccination.
According to this aim the children are divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 30 children with ARVI who received Flavovir® (Research and Production Company "Ecopharm" Ltd, Ukraine) in combination with symptomatic therapy. The second group consisted of 30 patients with ARVI who received only symptomatic therapy. The distribution of patients into groups was carried out randomly. The groups were representative for age, sex, structure and severity of disease.
Results. During the study the drug Flavovir® showed an effective antiviral effect in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in young children. In ase of the introduction of Flavovir® in the treatment regimen of the examined patients, a positive dynamics of clinical disease was noted: the intoxication syndrome disappeared three times faster (Group I — duration on average 3.4±0.2 days; Group II — 10.4±0.6 days , p<0.05), catarrhal syndrome disappeared approximately two times faster (group I — duration on average 4.5±0.4 days; II group — 9.6±0.7 days, p<0.05); нthere was a reduction in the recovery time by almost two times (group I — on average 5.81±0.5 days, II group — 11.8±0.6 days, p<0.05). The drug is well tolerated by patients and safe for children.
Conclusions. The results obtained allow to recommend Flavovir® in age-specific doses for the etiotropic therapy of modern acute respiratory viral infections in young children, taking into account the direct antiviral effect of the drug.
The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The informed consent of the parents of the children was obtained for the research.
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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