Ibuprofen as an antipyretic and analgesic drug in pediatric practice (a literature review)
children, antipyretic drugs, analgesics, efficacy, safety, IbuprofenAbstract
Ibuprofen, along with paracetamol, is the drug of choice for lowering fever and pain relief in children; it is a drug sold without a prescription in most countries of the world, in particular in Ukraine, and can be taken by patients at home without prior doctor's examination. It is clear that such an application implies significant advantages over potential risks. In particular, an important condition for «home» use of drugs is the speed of action, the absence of severe side effects, low toxicity, good compatibility with other drugs and a wide therapeutic applicability. Ibuprofen meets these basic requirements, and therefore belongs to the most commonly used molecules in pediatric practice.
The question of home use of drugs based on this molecule by parents to lower the temperature in children with acute respiratory diseases remains controversial, because there is an opinion regarding the negative effect of lowering the temperature on the patient's immune response. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the question was generally raised about the negative effect of lowering the temperature with ibuprofen on the prognosis of the disease, caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus.
It is the issues of assessing the benefit-risk ratio for the ibuprofen molecule that this literature review is devoted to. Long-term widespread use experience, numerous studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyzes prove the safety, efficacy and good tolerability of Ibuprofen compared to other medications, including OTC analgesics. Current research suggests that its use may go beyond the usual management of pain and fever in common clinical situations in children. Ibuprofen is not only safe for children at standard dosages, but it is also much safer during accidental or deliberate overdose compared to other analgesics that can lead to fatal consequences if misused.
Thus, the overall benefit-risk ratio for the use of Ibuprofen to control pain and fever in children remains positive.
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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