Eating behavior and nutrition characteristics of preschool children
nutrition of preschool children, eating behaviorAbstract
According to modern ideas, nutrition at an early age not only ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems, physical growth, psycho;emotional development and health of the child, but also forms a state of metabolism that determines health in the coming years.
Purpose — to investigate the state of nutrition and peculiarities of eating behavior of preschool children.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of children's preschool institutions in Chernivtsi during 2019–2020. At the first stage, a survey of 109 children aged 4–6 years was conducted. The average daily nutrition was calculated using a computer program «ASCON-nutrition» with analysis of 38 ingredients and energy value.
Results. It was found that 72 children (66.1%) were breastfed. The transition to artificial feeding before 3 months of age was registered in one third of children (32.1%); from 3 to 6 months — in another third of children (31.2%), 21.4% of mothers indicated early introduction of supplementary feeding, almost the same number — for late introduction of supplementary feeding. In 25.6% of cases the model of «clean plate» was registered, in 19.3% — the model «the more the better», in 10.1% — the model of «getting rid of negative feelings and physical pain», in 33.1% — model of «manipulation». The connection between the motivation of parents (r=0.67), especially mothers (r=0.79) to eat healthy food and the variety of taste preferences of their children was revealed. In most children, unbalanced diets were registered, which led to a deficiency of macro; and micronutrients (vitamins B1, B2, A, PP) and trace elements (iodine, calcium, iron, zinc). Deficiency of linolenic and linoleic acids and caloric content is noted.
Conclusions. Disadaptive diets negatively affect taste habits and eating behavior, contribute to the development of deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of all participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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