The role of the student scientific circle in the training highly qualified specialists during distance learning
research work, student research group, distance learning, applicantAbstract
An important stage in the formation of the future specialist is the independent work of the applicant, in particular the involvement of the best representatives in research work. Applicants are attracted to the GDR through a student research group. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and quarantine restrictions have forced almost all countries to reconsider educational strategies.
Purpose — to evaluate student research group the role of the functioning in the higher medical educational institution at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry in the training of future highly qualified specialists and the peculiarities of its work during distance learning.
Results. An important means of organizing the educational work of applicants for in-depth study of various aspects of pediatric dentistry is their research activities in independent work, in the process of which teachers are initiative and interested applicants who continue research within the student research group department, conducting research on selected topics. During distance learning IFNMU uses the site «Office 365 Cloud Services», which is accessible to all teachers and students. During the quarantine, student research group meetings are held in the format of online conferences in the Microsoft Teams program (previously created team with the type «Class» — student research group Department of Pediatric Dentistry, which added students of all courses of the Faculty of Dentistry and events in the program — in calendar according to the calendar-thematic plan student research group meetings, students and teachers are invited). Microsoft Teams is a teamroom for Office 365, which is a simpler version of learning management systems, but allows the learning team to communicate and share files. The program is convenient because it combines everything in a common work environment, which includes chat for discussion, file sharing and corporate programs. The student research group meeting was organized by video link.
Conclusions. Thus, participation in the student research group Department of Pediatric Dentistry IFNMU gives applicants the opportunity to prepare a full-fledged scientific work that enhances the educational process, promotes their professional growth, helps to combine creativity, theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In addition, it increases the level of training of future specialists and the formation of research work skills as a component of professional training of applicants and the development of scientific potential of future scientists even during distance learning.
No conflict of interest was declared by the author.
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