Use of alpha-casozepine (Lactium®) and vitamin B6 in clinical practice (literature review)
alpha-casozepine, lactium, anxiety, sleepAbstract
The article summarizes the literature data on the use of alpha-casozepine and its combination with vitamin B6 in clinical practice. It has been found that the properties of alpha-casozepine are similar to those of the benzodiazepine family of drugs, with the exception of such concomitant side effects of these drugs as addiction or sedation. Therefore, today alpha-casozepine has been increasingly used as a dietary supplement to improve sleep and to relieve stress disorders. The anxiolytic effects of alpha-casozepine have been confirmed in many experimental models over the past 20 years. It has been found that alpha-casozepin affects sleep by modulating its architecture, but has almost no sedative effect, which makes it similar to melatonin since both facilitate, rather than induce, sleep. The effect of alpha-casozepine on sleep is associated with GABA receptors. It was found that with transport of the peptide across the blood-brain barrier, the C-terminal residue of tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, is released, which is an important neurotransmitter in the regulation of mood and satiety. Direct modulation of GABA receptors by alpha-casozepin, including in the neurons of the hypothalamus, has been proven.
According to the results of clinical trials, alpha-casozepine has a positive effect on both physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety. It has been shown that the use of alpha-casozepine promotes faster recovery after a stress response, which is manifested by lower blood pressure and heart rate during the relaxation period (after stress) compared with the rest period (before stress induction).
Studies show that anxiolytic peptides derived from milk are promising for use in a wide range of functional disorders of the nervous system, sleep disorders, anxiety, in the treatment of patients with arterial dystonia, including in childhood. It is worth noting the use of a combination of alpha-casozepine (Lactium®) and vitamin B6, including in children, because such a combination promotes good absorption of the drug and a positive effect on the nervous system.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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