Acute respiratory viral infections in summer: various and dangerous
acute respiratory viral infections, seasonality of viruses, childrenAbstract
Acute respiratory viral infections (ARI) are the most common infectious pathology of childhood. Season activity of different viruses at different times of the year is different. Viruses can be divided into «winter» and «summer» according to temperature preferences. The article considers the clinical features of some viral infections, which can be called «summer»: parainfluenza, adenoviral infection, infections caused by reoviruses, etc. Emphasis is also placed on possible ways of virus transmission, hence the possibility of prevention and early treatment. Studying the evidence base of antiviral drugs, emphasizes the need for safety of the chosen tool, especially for children, as well as its proven effectiveness. The drug that meets these requirements is the herbal drug «Flavovir®», which is recommended for the prevention and treatment of acute viral infections in children.
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