Opportunities for increasing effectiveness of pharmacotherapy of acute respiratory viral infections in children
acute respiratory viral infections, children, treatment, drug based on linden extractAbstract
Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) occupy a leading place in the structure of childhood morbidity. ARVIs are characterized by the speed and ease of transmission of pathogens, high contagiousness and variability, which makes their treatment one of the complex clinical tasks. Medical and social significance of acute respiratory viral infections is associated with the development of serious complications and significant treatment costs. Medicines for ARVIs treatment should have the ability to eliminate the pathogen, stimulate body's resistance, correct functional disorders occurring against the background of the disease, have anti-inflammatory and detoxification effects, as well as a good safety profile. The drug Malipin based on linden extract meets these requirements. Proven clinical efficacy, good safety profile, pleasant organoleptic characteristics, and age range for prescription allow to recommend it for the complex treatment of ARVIs in children from one year of age, including those with recurrent respiratory diseases, in order to increase the effectiveness of etiopathogenetic therapy.
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