History of the term «juvenile rheumatoid arthritis», its evolution and modern interpretation


  • A.B. Volosyanko Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine
  • M.I. Reitmeyer Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine
  • L.Ya. Ivanyshyn Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine


children, rheumatology, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis


In the historical sequence, the main stages of the development of pediatric rheumatology with a particular bias on the prerequisites of the term «juvenile rheumatoid arthritis» are outlined. The reasons of isolation of this disease from the similar pathology of joints in adults are indicated. The evolution of the nomenclature of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis from 1946 to the present day is shown. The reasons for the introduction of the term «juvenile idiopathic arthritis» are discussed separately. The current classification and terminological differences of pathology in different countries of the world are outlined. The contribution of distinguished scientists and international organizations who are most involved in the study of this problem is pointed out. Attention is drawn to the problematic issues of interpretation of the problem of nomenclature of chronic diseases of joints of children in Ukraine and in the world. It is suggested that in the near future a new nomenclature and classification platform for juvenile arthritis will be proposed.


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