Mucoactive drugs in the treatment of bronchitis in children: focus on drugs with ivy extract


  • O.Ya. Mishchenko IInstitute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine


bronchitis, children, cough, treatment, ivy leaf extract


Cough is the most common symptom of bronchitis in children. In the treatment of bronchitis accompanied by coughing, the main task is to relieve cough by improving the rheological properties of bronchial secretions with the aim of their quickest clearance. To achieve this mucolytics, which have the ability to dilute sputum, and mucokinetics (secretomotor), which improve its excretion are used. In pediatrics, preference is given to herbal remedies, which have a milder pharmacotherapeutic effect and better tolerance compared to synthetic drugs. Medicines containing ivy leaf extract (Hederisfolia) are widely used to treat cough in bronchitis. The effectiveness of drugs containing ivy in treating cough has been proven by many trials. Good tolerance allows the widespread use of drugs based on dried ivy extract in pediatric practice.


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