Modern technologies in rhinosinusitis treatment in children (lecture)


  • V. V. Berezhniy Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine


Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of rhinosinusitis in children are outlined. For inflammation of nasopharynx treatment, a large number of drugs are used without proven effectiveness and advantages of one over the other. The growth of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, viral infection resistance to antiviral drugs, and polypharmacy dictate the need to use new technologies for treatment of nasopharynx diseases in children. The practice of doctors for the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis, adenoiditis and secretory otitis media in children has recently started to introduce various drugs with proven effectiveness. In treatment of allergic rhinosinusitis, intranasal corticosteroids and elimination therapy with seawater are effective.


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