Determination of risk predictors of statokinetic development delay and polymorphism of GSTP1, GSTT1, GSTM1, ACE, AGT2R1 AND ENOS genes in premature children with very low and extremely low birth weight


  • V.I. Pokhilko Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • E.B. Kozakevich Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • V.K. Kozakevich Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • L.S. Zyuzina Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • E.I. Melashchenko Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine


prediction, statokinetic development, very low body weight, extremely low body weight, premature babies, premature infants


World statistics and scientific research show that premature birth of children is accompanied by a high risk of not only somatic, but also neurological pathology and mental disorders development. Therefore, the clinical prognostic model development for the research of delayed infant statokinetic development, which was born prematurely, may be the basis for creating a preventive program of early intervention.

Purpose — to determine the clinical and genetic delayed statokinetic development formation determinants of children born with a body weight less than 1500 g; to develop an algorithm for early prediction of adverse effects.

Materials and methods. A cohort prospective study was conducted, which included 155 children with very low and extremely low body weight. Their statokinetic development at 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months of adjusted age was studied and the determinants were established. Genetic methods included studies of the GSTP1, GSTT1, GSTM1, ACE, AGT2R1, and eNOS genes polymorphism.

Results. It was defined that at 24 months of adjusted age 19% have delayed statokinetic development, at 36 months — 16% of examined children have very low and extremely low body weight. Important predictors that contribute a delayed statokinetic development were severe intraventricular hemorrhages, anemia in the second year of life, significant delay in physical development at 6 months and socio-economic status of the family. The greatest delay in the motor sphere was found in children with a dominant genetic model (GG+AG vs. AA) of the GSTP1 gene.

Conclusions. The developed model for predicting motor developmental delay at an early age has a high specificity (92.44%) and moderate sensitivity (53.33%), which indicates the possibility of its use for forecasting and personalized method of treatment.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of these Institutes. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.



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