Phytotherapeutic medicines in the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children


  • N. P. Gliadelova Shupyk National Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. G. Kozachuk Shupyk National Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine


acute respiratory viral infections, children, herbal medicine, Malipin


Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs) are not only the leading cause of acute infectious diseases worldwide, but also the major cause of death among children. A special place among the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections belongs to fever. A brief review of antipyretic drugs that are used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children is made. Antipyretic drugs do not affect the cause of the fever, do not reduce its total duration, they inhibit anti-infection protection, so their choice is based not on the strength of the effect, but on their safety. Herbal medicines are characterized by a mild therapeutic effect, a complex effect on various parts of the pathological process, low toxicity, and the possibility of prolonged use. For the relief of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, linden flowers have long been used. The plant is unique due to its complex effect on all symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections — fever, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion. Malipin is a natural herbal preparation containing linden extract, which has no analogues in the pharmaceutical market. A clinical study of the efficacy and safety of the phytopreparation Malipin is presented, the results of which prove feasibility of its inclusion in the treatment plan for acute respiratory viral infections in children.


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Zakliuchna informatsiia shchodo pidsumkiv epidemichnoho sezonu z hrypu ta hostrykh respiratornykh infektsii 2018–2019.

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